1. In the main screen of the Pipeline Editor, the user can create new pipelines. Simply click on “Create New Pipeline”, enter the desired Pipeline Name, and specify the Task.
2. The generated pipeline will be presented as a folder. To access the pipeline editor screen, simply double-click on the folder.
3. The screen shows three parts: (1) the “Left Menu”, (2) the “Execute” button and (3) the “Workflow Area”.
4. To return to the list of pipelines, the user can simply click on “Pipeline Editor” in the navigation menu.
5. The user can drag and drop any node from the left menu and compose any pipeline by connecting these blocks with the output nodes.
6. In the gallery, the user can initiate the data import process by clicking on “Import Data” or using the existing imagesets.
7. Click on “Synchronize” from the “More” icon (⋮) to send the image set to the server.
8. The pipeline’s left menu covers below functions:
- Source imageset / Output imageset
- Imageset rescaling (E.g. Resize)
- Imageset processing (E.g. Rotate)
- AI models (E.g. Classification)
9. The user can create a pipeline starting with data processing followed by the integration of three distinct types of AI models.
10. The user has the flexibility to select either a single model or a combination of models tailored to their specific use case. The menu displays three model categories for each task, namely;
- Classification
- Detection
- Semseg (Semantic Segmentation)
11. The “Detection” and “Classification” models write results directly onto the original image set by default. A button is available for selection if the user needs to generate an output. Enabling this option ensures that the node can be connected to another one.
12. The “Semseg” model performs semantic segmentation and sends the final results to the server.
13. For a single model scenario, drag-drop “SourceImageset” along with either the “Detection Model”, “Classification Model” or “Semantic Segmentation” nodes depending on the defined task.
14. The user must select the appropriate model name from the available options under “Select Model” along with the source imageset.
15. The user can create a combined pipeline featuring a detector and classifier by connecting three individual nodes: “SourceImageset”, “Detection ” and “Classification ” and by enabling “Generate Output” option.
16. For a combined model scenario, the user needs to select the appropriate model name (E.g. metalplates_detection) from the provided options listed under “Select Model” along with the source imageset.
17. Once done, click on “Execute” button to run the pipeline. The saving of the pipeline project is done automatically.
18. The prediction results will appear within the training section under prediction tab, allowing the user to assess the performance of the pipeline.
19. Go to the Gallery and access the imageset associated with the specified pipeline to review and compare performance results.