Click and run the ReliVisionClientApp Installer .exe
Server App (ReliTrainer & ReliAudit) :
Click and run the ReliVisionServerApp Installer .exe
Initate installation by clicking the Starter
Choose which components (or all) to install from the menu
Update & Upgrade:
Client App (ReliUI):
Click and run the latest ClientApp Installer .exe [existing directory where the Client App (ReliUI) is located should be selected]
Server App (ReliTrainer & ReliAudit) :
Click and run the latest ServerApp Installer .exe [existing directory where ReliVision Server App is located should be selected]
Initiate update or upgrade by clicking the Starter
Choose which components (or all) to install from the menu
Server App components are ONLY accessible via ReliUI and are not activated without a valid license KEY. ReliUI prompts the user to enter a license KEY in case the Server App installation lacks it.
Watch Video
Distributed Installation
ReliVision system with different topologies across Windows 10/11 and Linux Ubuntu 20+ machines, depending on your needs. The only current limitation is that ReliUI is a Windows only application. The ReliVision components need to be configured properly to be able to communicate with each other, for which Relimetrics Inc. provides professional support. Some sample topologies are as follows:
Installing ReliAudit and ReliWeb to remote (dis)connected edge machines
Installing all components in a distributed topology, essentially having ReliUI, ReliTrainer (+ReliBoard) and ReliAudit (+ReliWeb) in different machines.